Roomskills Local Connect plugin crashed

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Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 30. Jul. 2022, 18:49

Roomskills Local Connect plugin crashed

Beitrag von User-2386 »

Having just got an Alexa Echo, I'd like to be able to control my music system with it. (LMS v8.2, PiCore, Pi3 server). I have tried installing the Roomskills Local Connect plugin for LMS. Having done so I get an error opening the configuration page saying 192.168.x.x:32655 can't be found.

Looking in the LMS logs I see:

Plugins::Roomskills::RLC_Helper::beat (203) Roomskills Local Connect plugin crashed ... restarting

It keeps on trying to restart every 30 seconds. Sometimes it crashes the server too.

Any thoughts how to solve this?

Ian. UK
Beiträge: 108
Registriert: 01. Mär. 2020, 16:13

Re: Roomskills Local Connect plugin crashed

Beitrag von Roomskills-Com »

Hello Ian,

sorry to hear about your problems. In regard to piCore please don't use the plugin, but use the description that can be found unter

In the area piCoreplayer

I hope this will help.

Ingo from Roomskills