Simple Commands

During listening to music with the MyMusic skill you can use these simple commands to control the music

Alexa, stop

Alexa, play

Alexa, next

Alexa, previous

Play music

The voice commands to play a title by a specific musician or group are

Alexa, tell music collection play the song <title> from <musician/group>

the following alternatives of this command are also possible

  • Alexa, tell music collection song <titlename>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the title <titlename>
  • Alexa, tell music collection title <titlename>

The possible commands to play an album by giving the album name and the artist name are

Alexa, tell music collection play the album <albumname> from <albumartist>

alternatively the following voice commands can be used

  • Alexa, tell music collection play the album <albumname> from the singer <albummusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the album <albumname> from the band <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the album <albumname> from the group <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection album <albumname> from <albumartist>
  • Alexa, tell music collection album <albumname> from the singer <albummusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection album <albumname> from the band <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection album <albumname> from the group <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the album <albumname> by <albumartist>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the album <albumname> by the singer <albummusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the album <albumname> by the band <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the album <albumname> by the group <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection album <albumname> by <albumartist>
  • Alexa, tell music collection album <albumname> by the singer <albummusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection album <albumname> by the band <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection album <albumname> by the group <albumgroup>

The possible commands to play an album by giving the album name are

Alexa, tell music collection play the album <albumname>


Alexa, read the book <Bookname>

alternatively the following voice commands can be used

  • Alexa, tell music collection album <albumname>

The possible commands to are

Alexa, tell music collection play music from <albumartist>

alternatively the following voice commands can be used

  • Alexa, tell music collection play music from the singer <albummusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play music by <albummusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play music by the singer <albummusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play music from the band <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play music by the band <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play music from the group <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play music by the group <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play something from <albumartist>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play something from the singer <albummusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play something by <albummusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play something by the singer <albummusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play something from the band <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play something by the band <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play something from the group <albumgroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play something by the group <albumgroup>

The possible commands to play a song from a specific artist are

Alexa, tell music collection play the song <titlename> from <titleartist>

alternatively the following voice commands can be used

  • Alexa, tell music collection play the song <titlename> from the singer <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the song <titlename> from the artist <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the song <titlename> from the band <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the song <titlename> from the group <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection song <titlename> from <titleartist>
  • Alexa, tell music collection song <titlename> from the singer <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection song <titlename> from the artist <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection song <titlename> from the band <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection song <titlename> from the group <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the title <titlename> from <titleartist>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the title <titlename> from the singer <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the title <titlename> from the artist <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the title <titlename> from the band <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the title <titlename> from the group <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection title <titlename> from <titleartist>
  • Alexa, tell music collection title <titlename> from the singer <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection title <titlename> from the artist <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection title <titlename> from the band <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection title <titlename> from the group <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the song <titlename> by <titleartist>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the song <titlename> by the singer <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the song <titlename> by the artist <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the song <titlename> by the band <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the song <titlename> by the group <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection song <titlename> by <titleartist>
  • Alexa, tell music collection song <titlename> by the singer <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection song <titlename> by the artist <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection song <titlename> by the band <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection song <titlename> by the group <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the title <titlename> by <titleartist>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the title <titlename> by the singer <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the title <titlename> by the artist <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the title <titlename> by the band <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play the title <titlename> by the group <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection title <titlename> by <titleartist>
  • Alexa, tell music collection title <titlename> by the singer <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection title <titlename> by the artist <titlemusician>
  • Alexa, tell music collection title <titlename> by the band <titlegroup>
  • Alexa, tell music collection title <titlename> by the group <titlegroup>

Control play lists

The possible commands to get information on how many items are in the playlist are

Alexa, ask music collection how long is the playlist

alternatively the following voice commands can be used

  • Alexa, ask music collection how long is the list
  • Alexa, ask music collection how many titles
  • Alexa, ask music collection how many songs
  • Alexa, ask music collection how many

The possible commands to get the current position in the playlist are

Alexa, ask music collection where am i

alternatively the following voice commands can be used

  • Alexa, ask music collection which position
  • Alexa, ask music collection position
  • Alexa, ask music collection which position in the playlist is currently playing
  • Alexa, ask music collection which position in the playlist is playing

The possible commands to go to a specific position in the playlist are

Alexa, tell music collection go to position <titlenumber>

alternatively the following voice commands can be used

  • Alexa, tell music collection number <titlenumber>
  • Alexa, tell music collection position <titlenumber>
  • Alexa, tell music collection go to <titlenumber>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play number <titlenumber>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play title number <titlenumber>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play position number <titlenumber>
  • Alexa, tell music collection play position <titlenumber>
  • Alexa, tell music collection jump to <titlenumber>
  • Alexa, tell music collection jump to position <titlenumber>

Tell what is currently playing

The possible commands to give the artist name and titlename of the currently playing song are

Alexa, ask music collection which song is this

alternatively the following voice commands can be used

  • Alexa, ask music collection which title is this
  • Alexa, ask music collection which title
  • Alexa, ask music collection which song
  • Alexa, ask music collection what is playing

Music Repetition Control

The possible command to activate the repetition of the currently playing playlist is

Alexa, loop

alternatively the following voice commands can be used

  • Alexa, loop on
  • Alexa, keep playing this
  • Alexa, tell music collection activate loop

The possible command to deactivate the repetition of the currently playing playlist is

Alexa, loop off

alternatively the following voice commands can be used

  • Alexa, tell music collection deactivate loop

Play music in a random order

The possible command to reorder the music into a random order while it is playing is

Alexa, shuffle

alternatively the following voice commands can be used

  • Alexa, shuffle on
  • Alexa, shuffle the music
  • Alexa, shuffle mode

The possible command to reorder the music into a normal order while it is playing is

Alexa, stop shuffling

alternatively the following voice commands can be used

  • Alexa, shuffle off
  • Alexa, turn off shuffle

Purchase the required Roomskills package “Basic”

If a voice vommand is used, that required the package Basic, the skill asks if the required package should be purchased, but a purchase can be initiated via the following voice command.

The possible command to purchase a one year package of Roomskills “Basic” via in skill purchase is

Alexa, tell music collection buy Basic

The possible command to request a refund of a previous purchase is

Alexa, tell music collection refund basic