Using voice commands to control your players
Players as devices in Alexa
One way of controling the players in Alexa is to adress them by their names. In general the players appear automatically in the Alexa App once the skill has been activated and the account has been connected. If this fails or you want to add an additional player later, you can always start the search for new devices with the following voice command:
Alexa, discover my devices
In order for all possible voice commands to work using the device names you need to connect the Alexa devices with the player devices in the Alexa App. You find this connection function in the details page of the player device once it has been found. Then you need to connect all Alexa devices you want to be able to use the commands from.
After the player devices have been found and the controling Alexa devices have been connected we can start controling the players
Basic commands can be adressed to a player using only the player name.
Alexa, turn <Playername> on.
- Alexa, turn <Playername> on.
- Alexa, turn <Playername> off.
- Alexa, set the volume of <Playername> to 20.
- Alexa, increase volume on <Playername>.
- Alexa, decrease volume by 5 on <Playername>.
- Alexa, next on <Playername>.
- Alexa, previous on <Playername>.
- Alexa, turn on channel 1 on <Playername>.
- …
More complex commands require the skill to be called
In order to initiate more complex commands you need to call the skill using the invocation name of the skill. In our case the invocation name is “music control”.
Alexa, open music control.
You can also call the skill and hand over a command in one go. For this you combine the call of the skill with the invocation name with the command. Here an example
Alexa, tell music control play the album Abbey Road in the living room
But voce recognition is better if you first call the skill and then hand over the command:
Alexa, open music control
The skill answers:
What can I do for you?
And now the voice command:
Play the album Abbey Road in the living room
Define a standard room to avoid always having to adress the room or player
Now it is a little bit lengthy to always give the room name in every command so you can define a standard room or player for the commands. This can be achieved by using the command:
Alexa, tell music control the standard room is <room name>
Alexa, I am within earshot of <player name>
After this command has been activated the standard room has been defined and every command where no room or player is given is adressed to this player.
With the command
Alexa, tell music control delete the standard room
the standard room can be deleted as well.
Play favorites
The possible commands to play a favorite are
Alexa, tell music control play <favorite name>
alternative commands are
- Alexa, tell music control play the favorite <favorite name>
- Alexa, tell music control favorite <favorite name>
Get the information what is currently playing
The possible commands to ask Alexa what the current title is are
Alexa, ask music control which song is this
alternative commands are
- Alexa, ask music control which song
- Alexa, ask music control which title
Group the players to play together
The possible commands to group players of different rooms are
Alexa, tell music control play music from <room name>
alternative commands are
- Alexa, tell music control follow <room name>
- Alexa, tell music control play music from <room name>
- Alexa, tell music control play the music from the <room name>
- Alexa, tell music control play <room name>
to end the grouping of the players use the commands
Alexa, tell music control end music synchronisation
alternative commands are
- Alexa, tell music control do not follow
- Alexa, tell music control sync off
- Alexa, tell music control synchronisation off
- Alexa, tell music control music synchronisation off
Transfer music between rooms
To transfer the current playlist and playing position from one room to another use the following commands
Alexa, tell music control transfer the music from <room name/player name>
alternative commands are
- Alexa, tell music control transfer the music from the <room name>
- Alexa, tell music control transfer <room name>
- Alexa, tell music control catch <room name>
- Alexa, tell music control catch music from <room name>
Basic commands as alternative to adressing the player directly
Turn the music on and off
The possible commands to turn the music on or off are
Alexa, tell music control start music
alternative commands are
- Alexa, tell music control play music
- Alexa, tell music control play
- Alexa, tell music control music
- Alexa, tell music control start
The possible commands to turn the music off are
Alexa, tell music control stop music
alternative commands are
- Alexa, tell music control end the music
- Alexa, tell music control stop
- Alexa, tell music control music stop
Set the volume
The possible commands to raise the volume are
Alexa, tell music control volume up
an alternative command is
- Alexa, tell music control turn the volume up
The possible commands to reduce the volume are
Alexa, tell music control volume down
an alternative command is
- Alexa, tell music control turn the volume down
The possible commands to set the volume to a certain value are
Alexa, tell music control set the volume to <value>
alternative commands are
- Alexa, tell music control set the volume level to <value> ein
- Alexa, tell music control volume level to <value>
- Alexa, tell music control volume level <value>
- Alexa, tell music control volume <value>
The volume can be raised multiple times by using one voice command. the possible commands are
Alexa, tell music control volume <amount> times up
an alternative command is
- Alexa, tell music control turn the volume <amount> times up
or reducing the volume multiple times is possible as well, of course
Alexa, tell music control volume <amount> times down
a alternative command is
- Alexa, tell music control turn the volume <amount> times down
Control your play list
The possible commands to jump to the next title in your playlist are
Alexa, tell music control next
alternative commands are
- Alexa, tell music control next title
- Alexa, tell music control Lied next song
- Alexa, tell music control forward
The possible commands to jump to the previous title in your playlist are
Alexa, tell music control previous
alternative commands are
- Alexa, tell music control previous title
- Alexa, tell music control previous song
- Alexa, tell music control backward
The possible commands to get the length of the current playlist are
Alexa, ask music control how long is the playlist
alternative commands are
- Alexa, ask music control how long
- Alexa, ask music control how many titles
- Alexa, ask music control how many
The possible commands to get the current position in the current playlist are
Alexa, ask music control which position in the playlist is currently playing
alternative commands are
- Alexa, ask music control where am i
- Alexa, ask music control position
- Alexa, ask music control which position
- Alexa, ask music control which number
The possible commands to jump to a specific position in the current playlist are
Alexa, tell music control go to position <title number>
alternative commands are
- Alexa, tell music control number <title number>
- Alexa, tell music control position <title number>
- Alexa, tell music control go to <title number>
- Alexa, tell music control go to position <title number>
- Alexa, tell music control play number <title number>
- Alexa, tell music control play title number <title number>
- Alexa, tell music control play song number <title number>
- Alexa, tell music control play position number <title number>
- Alexa, tell music control play position <title number>
- Alexa, tell music control jump to position <title number>
- Alexa, tell music control jump to <title number>