The installation of von Roomskills Local Connect can be done using the program Docker Desktop, that is available for MS Windows, MacOS and Linux. Here the link to the download are of docker


The Installation in der Docker Desktop App

After having installed Docker Desktop you can download and install the Roomskills Local Connect docker package. First you enter the text “roomskills” in the search field:

… and start the search:

You select and download “computequg/roomskills-rlc”. After the download has finished you click on “Run” to start the installation.

In the next window you have to open the area “Optional Settings” and make some additional settings.

In the new window you enter the following settings:

  • In the field “Container name” you set the name as: “roomskills_local_connect”
  • In the fields in the area “Ports” yiz enter the following numbers:
    • 32653 at 32653/tcp
    • 32655 at 32655/tcp
    • 32656 at 32656/tcp
  • In the area “Volumes” you select on the left a directory on your local computer and on the right in the field “Container Path” you enter the text “/mnt”.
  • In the area “Environment Variables” you enter in the left field “Variable” the text “RLC_IP”. In the right field “Value” you enter the IP address of the computer Roomskills Local Connect in running on.
A click on the button “Run” starts Roomskills Local Connect.


After Roomskills Local Connect has startet you find a new entry for it on Docker Desktop.

Via the following link you can access the login page of Roomskills Local Connect:



Uninstalling in the Docker Desktop App

To remove the Roomskills Local Connect setup you go into the area “Container” in Docker Desktop. On the right side next to the entry for Roomskills Local Connect you find a button used to delete the container (delete). A click on the button starts the removal of Roomskills Local Connect.

With a click on “Delete forever” Roomskills Local Connect will be removed.

Now we can delete the content of the directory given during the setup.