Die Installation

Go to the tab ‘Tweaks’ and search for the area ‘User commands’ near the end of the page and add the following text in one of the fields:


mkdir /opt/roomskills_local_connect ; cd /opt/roomskills_local_connect ; wget https://www.roomskills.com/download/picore/start.sh -O start.sh ; chmod +x start.sh ; /opt/roomskills_local_connect/start.sh


Click on ‘SAVE’ and confirm to revisit ‘Tweaks’.

At the piCore configuration web page go to the tab ‘Tweaks’ to the area ‘Schedule CRON jobs’ and add the following text:

0 * * * * /opt/roomskills_local_connect/save_config.sh

Click on ‘SAVE’ and confirm the reboot.

After the reboot you can reach Roomskills Local Conenct via the link


Die Deinstallation

The follwing steps deactivate Roomskills Local Connect

  • Delete and save the entries at ‘User command’ in the tab Tweaks
  • Delete the entry at ‘Schedule CRON jobs’ in the tab Tweaks, click on SAVE and confirm the reboot.

To remove Roomskills Local Connect completely enter the following command under User commands

rm /mnt/mmcblk0p2/rlc-config.json

and save it by clicking on SAVE. Then go to the Main tab and click on Reboot to initite a reboot and execute the command. After the reboot delete the entry and save the changes by clicking on SAVE.

That’s all!